The Gurt Lush Choir is led by Sam Burns. Sam grew up in Bristol, had an entirely unremarkable education, then spent seven years with infamous local band The Moonflowers, best known for playing naked at Ashton Court Festival, setting fire to their trousers, and harassing Avon and Somerset Constabulary in large cardboard fish costumes. In 1993 he moved to Normandy and spent seven years working as a site labourer, antiques restorer, head gardener and builder, before starting to teach bass at the village music school. He was soon also teaching sax, cello and guitar and directing singing in local schools. He also started directing two village choirs. In 2008 he returned to Bristol and since then has worked in primary and secondary schools across the city as a singing teacher and choirleader. He started the Gurt Lush Choir in October 2009, which swiftly grew to the 200+ members it has today. He now lives in Bishopston with his French wife and four children. He would like to thank Bristol for being an extraordinarily hospitable singing city that loves to say 'Yes!' to energetic music making. Three choirs make up Gurt Lush, Hotwells Voices, Park Voices & Redland Voices all currently have vacancies.