Your community website for Bishopston, Ashley Down, Horfield and St Andrews

Bishopston Methodist Church
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Minister:  Anita Hart

Sunday services at 10.30

See their website for further details of services and activities.

245 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol
Cairns Road Baptist Church
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Church office: 0117 9425669.
Noah's Ark Pre-School: 0117 9446229.

For up-to date info on youth work and events follow the link on the church web site.

Youth worker - Fiona MacDonald

Music, Word and Worship every Sunday morning at 10.30am

Creche - for children aged 0 to 2 years.
Mini heroes - looking at Gardens of the Bible. For children aged 2 to 5 years.
Smarteez - looking at Covenants & Promises. For children aged 5 to 8 years.
Miracle Stars - looking at Living the Story. For children aged 8 to 11 years.

Cairns Road Café is open during term time on Monday and Wednesday, 9am to 2pm, Friday 10.15am to 2pm. During half term and holidays, there is restricted opening.

There are further adult and kids groups linked with this church.  Please see the ‘Groups, Club & Societies’ tab on this website.

Cairns Road, Westbury Park, Bristol
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Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 10am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm. Closed Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
Help and advice - Police surgery - last Saturday of the month - 10am to 12 noon. Book Club - last Friday of the month - 10am to 11.30am. Reading groups - Adult group - meets on the last Friday of the month at 10.30am. Meeting room for hire.  After school clubs. Coffee mornings.  Computer and other courses. Internet and computer facilities. Housebound service. Spoken word audio books. Free newspaper and magazines (to include Bishopston Matters!) to take away.

0117 9038578
Muller Road, Eastville, BS5 6XP
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Friends of Horfield Common (FOHC) started in 2006 when a group of neighbours and interested residents decided to work together to ensure continued access to, availability of, and improvement of the state of Horfield Common. Friends of Horfield Common work in partnership with Bristol City Council and other interested organisations and groups.

They hold regular meetings at Ardagh Sports Club which are well-attended by a wide range of representatives and individuals from a large-number of groups who use the common, local residents and other interested parties which have included Bristol City Council, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Monks Park School, Local Anti-Graffiti groups, Tesco and local Neighbourhood Watch groups.

The group are very active and organise different events throughout the year, the summer family picnic is always a lovely community day. For information on current campaigns and events linked to Horfield Common please go to the ‘In the Community’ tab on this website or visit the Friends of Horfield Common website. Stay up to date with activity on the common via their Facebook page Friends of Horfield Common or Twitter @FOHC_Bristol. This is an extremely friendly group that always welcomes new members to take part in lots of the interesting projects they are running.


07942 800 194
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The Friends of St Andrews Park (FoSAP) welcomes anybody that uses the beautiful park in St Andrews. They want to keep it beautiful and an asset for the local people and those who travel from further away to enjoy the activities including, swimming, sliding, walking, running or just sitting!

The group have regular productive meetings (that are open to all), see the ‘What’s On’ section of this website for future meeting dates or visit the FoSAP website.
There are different interest groups within the Friends to include, Appearance/Restoration, Anti-social behaviour, Bristol Park Forum, Graffiti, Social and Arts, Publicity, Recycling and Litter, Play area and Wildlife.

Some wonderful events take place in the park from regular bird watching walks to ‘Park Arts’ – a family day for the whole community with a wealth of visual and musical arts. To keep up to date with events and articles that relate to the park visit the ‘In the Community’ tab on this website or the FoSAP website.


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Traders on the central part of Gloucester Road - the longest street of independent traders in Europe, have joined together to share events, ideas and information from their community. Their shops are from Pigsty Hill up, and range from cafes, art galleries, gift shops and furniture makers to fresh fruit and veg shops, hardware stores and bike shops. They put on different events during the year, highlights being the popular Mayfest celebrations and Christmas Fair. Keep up to date with all their latest news via their website, Facebook page Glos Rd Central and Twitter @glosrdcentral

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The Golden Hill Community Garden aims to increase the skills and confidence of local people in growing food through volunteering and training. It aims to provide a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and also promote healthy food and healthy activity. The project is inclusive and site accessible. They welcome everyone to come and get involved and especially welcome volunteers with physical and/or mental ill health or impairments, people with learning difficulties as well as children and young people.

They hope that everyone can join in with food growing, taking up learning opportunities, and experiencing the restorative enjoyment of being in an outdoor natural environment. The site uses organic methods and aims to encourage a diversity of wildlife.

The Golden Hill Community Garden recognises the value and importance of volunteering. They value diversity and the range wide of skills and perspectives a diverse group of volunteers can bring. They believe that the garden benefits from having a range of volunteers just as volunteering and gardening benefits individuals. They also aim to financially sustainable through social enterprise.
They also run a toddler group, kids’ playscheme, community events, rent out raised beds and Bale House to community groups and much more!

The Community Garden is open every Wednesday 10am to 4pm. If you have any questions or would like to be put on their mailing list to receive cheery updates from the garden then please get in touch by phone or e-mail.


07506 905 394
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Open Monday and Friday 9.30am to 7pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday 9.30am to 5pm. Closed Sunday.
Children's activities and storytimes - Pre-school children's storytime - term time Thursdays from 10.45 to 11.15am. Pre-school children's storytime - term time Tuesdays from 2.00 to 2.30pm. Please book in advance for both activities.
Coffee mornings - Every Friday morning - 10 to 12 noon.
Reading groups - Adult group - Crime Readers meet on the third Friday of the month. Venue alternates between Henleaze and Southmead Libraries. Adult group - meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10.30am. Adult group - meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 10.45am
Visually Impaired Persons' group - meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10.30am.
Computer and other courses. Housebound service. Internet and computer facilities. DVD’s for hire from £1 per week. CD ROMs. Music CD’s, hire charges may apply. Spoken word audio books.  Meeting room for hire. Free newspaper and magazines (to include Bishopston Matters!) to take away.

0117 9038541
Northumbria Drive, Henleaze, BS9 4HP
Horfield Baptist Church
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Minister: Rachel Haig

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 – 11:30am

Children of all ages join the Sunday worship for the first part of the service.  They then
leave to join their age relevant groups - Crèche (Pre-School), Followers (yr R + KS1) and Xplorers (KS2) where they look at a story from the bible, learn about Jesus and talk about what it means to follow Jesus at their age and stage of life, and of course have a good fun time together while they are there!

Sunday Papers - Join us to discuss the news from the last month's papers over a drink and cake.  See the website for forthcoming dates.

N:Counter @ church - A chance on a Wednesday morning 10 to 11am to have a chat about the previous Sunday's sermon and to go a bit deeper.

There are further adult and kids groups linked with this church.  Please see the ‘Groups, Club & Societies’ tab on this website.

0117 924 3608
279 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol
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Open Monday 9.30 to 1pm, 2pm to 7pm, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9.30am to 5pm. Closed Wednesday and Sunday.
Children's activities and storytimes - Baby bounce and rhyme - term time Fridays 11 to 11.30am.
Pre-school children's storytime - term time Mondays 2.15 to 2.40pm. Both activities are free and there is no need to book. There are school holiday activities arranged, please contact the library for details.

Coffee mornings - Every Friday - 10.30 to 11.30am - £0.25 for tea/coffee, with biscuits.
Computer and other courses. Housebound service. Internet and computer facilities. DVD’s for hire from £1 per week.  Spoken word audio books.  Free newspaper and magazines (to include Bishopston Matters!) to take away.

0117 9038538
Filton Avenue, Horfield, BS7 0BD
Horfield Methodist Church
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Minister: Rev. Anita Hart

Sunday Services
Early Morning Worship at 8am
Holy Communion on the last Sunday of the month
Morning Worship at 10am
Including Junior Church for our younger members
Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month
Evening Worship at 6pm
Holy Communion on the 2nd Sunday of the month
Youth Fellowship at 7.30pm
Saturday - Prayer Fellowship in the Church at 11am

Junior Church - We have three Junior Church groups who meet during the 10.00am service, plus a creche for the under 4's. Creche - for our smallest members aged under 4 there are lots of toys and games. Parents can stay with their children and listen to the service through the loudspeaker system. Beginners - our younger members aged 4 to 7 learn about God and his love for us by singing songs, listening to stories, drawing pictures and creating collages. Juniors - aged 7 to 11 explore the Bible and learn how we can apply its teaching in our everyday lives by playing games, doing quizzes and drama, plus lots of arts and crafts.

Seniors - our older members aged over 11 meet in their own Seniors' room and explore the Christian faith and its relevance to 21st Century life through discussions, readings and drama.
There are further adult and kids groups linked with this church.  Please see the ‘Groups, Club & Societies’ tab on this website.

0117 9520115
Churchways Avenue, Horfield, Bristol
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This community-supported orchard project was started by members of Avon Organic Group in 1998 on the Horfield (H&DAA) allotment site between Bishop Road and Longmead Avenue. The orchard is home to about 100 fruiting trees, including local, unusual, and historic varieties of plum, apple and pear. It also has cherries, apricots, medlar, quince, grape vines, nuts, and soft fruit.The Orchard is a little piece of countryside set amongst the houses of Bishopston and Horfield.

It is open to the public on Apple Day in October (usually the third Sunday). Local people are invited to wander, find out more about the varieties grown, as well as sample the wide range of apples. All ages are encouraged to have a go at apple pressing, and to taste the delicious juice produced. In January the orchard is wassailed – trees are decorated, and toasted, to wish them good health for the year ahead and encourage a rich harvest.Working members manage all aspects of the orchard – everything from planning and planting, to pruning, composting, and harvesting.

Working meetings take place on the second-last Saturday of the month - no matter what the weather - and at other times by arrangement. Supporting members are invited to special celebrations, and to take part in training days. The group is also exploring new ways to include families with young children. Working Membership is open to anyone willing to share the work and the harvests. No previous fruit growing experience is needed. HOCO also welcomes supporting members/friends. To find out more about this lively and hands-on local food project please get in touch.


Horfield Parish Church
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Priest in Charge: John Hadley: 0117 924 6185
Parish Office: Lynne Alba: 0117 951 8234­­­­­­

Normal Service Times
8.00am Mass      
10.00am Parish Mass  
6.00pm Evening Prayer

There are further adult and kids groups linked with this church and parish hall.  Please see the ‘Groups, Club & Societies’ tab on this website.

Wellington Hill, Horfield, Bristol
Horfield Quaker Meeting House
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For enquiries & room hire: 0117-942 9142.

Meetings for Worship: Sunday 10.30am - 11.30am.

Horfield Quaker Meeting is active and has a lively children’s group. It holds monthly shared lunches which are followed by social and learning opportunities. Quaker worship takes place mostly in silence when bodies and minds are stilled in order to be receptive to the love and guidance of God. Friends are glad to welcome the frequent newcomers who visit this meeting.

Friends from the meeting engage in a wide variety of work for peace and justice and support organisations that help the homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and newly-released prisoners with addiction issues. It promotes fair trade and encourages environmental awareness. The meeting actively supports the Bishopston Interchurch Group local projects.

There is a secluded garden at the rear which offers a peaceful place away from the bustle of the main road. The building is fully wheelchair accessible. The presence of a Resident Friend ensures that the building can be used at all times and on seven days a week.

There are many adult and kids groups that take place at the Meeting House, please see the ‘Groups, Club & Societies’ tab on this website.

300 Gloucester Road, Horfield, Bristol
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0117 9446 767
87 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8AS
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0117 329 4505
73 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol
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The Club Function Room holds 80 people and is suitable for parties, dinners, conferences and team building events. Bar and kitchen facilities are on offer. There is one skittle alley which holds up to 40 people. Outside is the Bowls Green, which is open April to October.


Club Function Room Evening £25 per hour

Club Function Room Daytime £15 per hour

Club Function Room Funerals / Christenings £15 per hour

Skittle Alley £15 set fee

Bowls Green £5 per hour / per rink

Kitchen Use £25

Cleaning Fee £25

For more info please see our online enquiry form on our Website:

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0117 942 0050
145 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8BA