Family Food Action – Christmas donations please

Christmas is coming! This year, in view of the increased pressure on family budgets for buying enough food and power, we are not collecting/buying presents as we are concentrating on Christmas food and drink treats (though NO ALCOHOL please).

So, as well as our normal requests for everyday food items, we hope for donations of chocolate coins, boxes of biscuits, sweets/chocolates, mince pies, Christmas puddings (no brandy or nuts), snacks (no nuts please) and vegetarian gravy granules, stuffing mix and bread sauce mix, also nice toiletries for women, men, teenagers and children as well as our usual toiletries, nappies and feminine hygiene products.

Please consider getting together with others in your street and arranging a collection of Christmas goodies to support our families and children in food poverty in North Bristol. We will be collecting every Tuesday morning, until 19 December, at The Ardagh next to the Café on the Common.

Our last deliveries are 12 December (May Park school) and 19 December for our four other community partners. We hope we get lots of lovely Christmas treats for the families we help to support. Many thanks in anticipation for your generosity ahead of the festive season.

We have had some great support recently from local businesses and from people running fundraising activities such as yard sales and street parties, but we still have an imbalance between our income and what we are spending. Everything you donate goes to buying fresh fruit and vegetables and dairy products, as well as a small amount of meat for specific partner organisations. All our work is done by volunteers, so you can be sure that your donations are supporting the people that need help to eat! It is shocking to think that in our society that this is an issue!

Our food clubs use our donations to put together bags of food and toiletries for their members. A bag of food is worth around £20–25 and the food club members pay £3.50 to receive a bag. The people attending food clubs are unable to afford to feed their families on their income, despite some of them being in important jobs like teaching or the NHS.

So, when you are enjoying choosing your Christmas presents and celebration food, please spare a thought for those people who will be struggling over the holiday period to just feed their families and, if you would like to donate anything to help them, please click on our Just Giving page here


Get in touch – Do come and talk/donate to us at

The Ardagh, Kellaway Avenue, BS6 7YL any Tuesday morning, 10.30–11.30am, or contact us

through the website below. You can also follow us on

Facebook: FFA Bristol & Instagram: FamilyFoodAction

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