Your community website for Bishopston, Ashley Down, Horfield and St Andrews

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Provides therapy groups and counselling for women experiencing depression and other mental health problems. The general counselling service is for Bristol residents in receipt of a low income or benefits. The groups aim to create a setting and atmosphere where women feel safe to express their feelings.

Womankind also offer a dedicated service to Refugee and Asylum seeking women. There is a helpline where any woman can ring and talk, they will be listened to in confidence and offered emotional support.  Helpline also offers emotional support and information to women experiencing domestic abuse. 24 hr message service.

Also runs a befriending service in South Gloucestershire alongside the community mental health team at Blackberry Hill Hospital. For further information please contact Kyra Bond.
We also run an outreach counselling service in South Bristol for women who are survivors of rape and sexual abuse. Volunteering opportunities in administration, helpline and befriending.


0845 458 2914