Your community website for Bishopston, Ashley Down, Horfield and St Andrews

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Long Business Description

We are an active residents' group founded in 2002. Because we want Bishopston to be a thriving, pleasant and healthy place to live, we focus on local planning, licensing and environmental issues - the street scene and Bishopston's green spaces. Last year we elected a representative to the new Neighbourhood Partnership, to make Bristol City Council more aware of our members' views. We also link to other organisations, like Sustainable Bishopston, The Civic Society, and Friends of St Andrews Park.

Why not join us? A year's subscription is only £5, or £7 for two adults living together. Our committee meetings - about ten a year - are lively and friendly. We also have two public meetings, one being our AGM. Twice a year we publish a members' newsletter. You can stay up to date with what the Society is doing and find out more about us by visiting our website or contacting us by e-mail.
