Ardagh Toddlers take over the Ardagh Pavilion on Mondays during term time, from 10.00 to 11.30am. It is £2.50 per session per child. If you have children aged from 0-3, please come along and join in the fun! All welcome!
Ashley's Rise Morris Dancing. Ashley's Rise Junior Morris is a performing Morris side for boys and girls aged 8-16yrs. They practice on Tuesdays from 6.15-7.15pm during term time. They perform at local seasonal and community events and take part in national festivals and Morris weekends. There is a waiting list for 6/7yr olds who are invited to their open events so that they get to know them before they join. And for the adults (16yrs plus) Morris for Fitness and Fun. No partner or experience needed. Sticks and hankies provided. Small groups. Advance booking required. Horfield URC, Mondays 7.15-8.15pm and Tuesdays 7.30-8.30pm. Call Kim on 0117 9401566 / 07813 346819 or e-mail
Avon Organic Group (AOG) is a local Bristol-based group that has promoted organic growing since 1984. Long-standing members are a rich source of information and inspiration, and are keen to offer friendly support to first-time gardeners and allotment holders. Members benefit from regular meetings, discounts on seed orders and garden sundries, and annual swaps of seeds and seedlings - including rare and heritage varieties not commercially available. The group is active in local food networks and offers local gardeners the opportunity to sell surplus produce through a stall at Bristol Farmers’ market. AOG meetings take place on a Monday evening one a month(October to May) at 7.30 pm at at the YHA off Prince Street (entrance near Pero’s bridge) 14 Narrow Quay, BS1 4QA. Parking at Prince Street CP or Mud Dock. Buses to & from Centre. They host a variety of guest speakers and cover wide-ranging gardening and organic issues (please visit the ‘What’s On section of this website for details of future meetings). All are welcome. Entrance, £3 for non-members, £1 AOG members, Teas etc included. For more information on this deep-rooted local green group please visit their website. See the diary listings on this website for details of forthcoming meetings.
- encourage and promote community spirit and cohesion, and the involvement of local people in community affairs;
- seek to safeguard and improve the social, physical and cultural character of our area;
- help people in our area to have a greater influence on decisions affecting their lives;
- support local community groups, institutions and businesses to contribute positively to the quality of life in our area.
This friendly local history group provides a programme of lectures and events to promote an interest and understanding of all aspects of local and social history in the immediate area and Bristol as a whole.
They undertake and encourage research into all aspects of the area and encourage knowledge, appreciation and preservation of its history. The society always welcomes any historical information or material for copying which could be stored in the archives. This local research group has had a number of books published.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month (except July, August and December) at 7.30pm at the Friends' Meeting House, 300 Gloucester Road, Bishopston. For anybody looking for an evening out locally where you can make new friends, and enjoy the talks and slide shows given, feel free to attend and see if it would appeal to you. Visitors are charged £2 per visit with a free cup of tea or coffee, and a biscuit. Subscriptions are £10 a year.
For information on their forthcoming meetings visit the ‘What’s On’ section of this website.
Scottish Country Dance (SCD) offers an enjoyable, social and stimulating way to exercise for fitness of body and mind. With proven health benefit, SCD is practiced throughout the UK and Worldwide by people of many different nationalities, fostering new contacts and friendships at home and abroad.
In Bristol, there are two SCD groups, each offering weekly classes in Henleaze in term-time:
Tuesday classes (BWSCDC): 7.30-9.30pm, £6* (members £5; membership £10/yr.) at St.Peter’s Church Hall, BS9 4LD; also special 6-wk. beginner course for £24 starts Sept 10, 2024 (at BS6 7QB).
Thursday classes (RSCDS): 7.00-8.30pm (£4* new dancers), 7.30-10pm (£6* experienced dancers); St Monica Trust, Oatley House Main Hall, BS9 3TN. Membership (only after 1st year) £30/yr.
Come along for fun, fitness and friendship. You don’t need a kilt, or a partner, just wear soft comfy shoes and casual clothes; and everyone mixes. *First night is free.
Both groups also run several organised dances to live music, often attracting dancers from other SCD groups across the S.West. BWSCDC also supports local charities, raising over £2500 in 2023/4 for Avon Riding Centre for the Disabled.
Website: and
Phone: BWSCDC: 01174012416 (Cheryl); RSCDS: 01179683057 (Ruth)
Business Tags: Dance, Scottish dancing
DAVAR is an independent, secular Jewish cultural charity (ie. not religious), which brings together all parts of the community: religious, non-religious and indeed a significant number of our regular attendees are not Jewish at all! We are completely voluntarily run but manage to organise about 14 events a year. These events range from films to food festivals; lectures and concerts (in the recent past frequently in partnership with St George's. We run films at The Orpheus Cinema, Northumbria Drive, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4HN, Orpheus Tel: 0117 962 1644, 24hr information & booking line:
08712 303200 Tickets: £4.95/£3.95conc. £3.30 (NUS). Films are open to all and start at 8pm (no ads or trailers).
Friends of Horfield Common (FOHC) started in 2006 when a group of neighbours and interested residents decided to work together to ensure continued access to, availability of, and improvement of the state of Horfield Common. Friends of Horfield Common work in partnership with Bristol City Council and other interested organisations and groups.
They hold regular meetings at Ardagh Sports Club which are well-attended by a wide range of representatives and individuals from a large-number of groups who use the common, local residents and other interested parties which have included Bristol City Council, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Monks Park School, Local Anti-Graffiti groups, Tesco and local Neighbourhood Watch groups.
The group are very active and organise different events throughout the year, the summer family picnic is always a lovely community day. For information on current campaigns and events linked to Horfield Common please go to the ‘In the Community’ tab on this website or visit the Friends of Horfield Common website. Stay up to date with activity on the common via their Facebook page Friends of Horfield Common or Twitter @FOHC_Bristol. This is an extremely friendly group that always welcomes new members to take part in lots of the interesting projects they are running.
The Friends of St Andrews Park (FoSAP) welcomes anybody that uses the beautiful park in St Andrews. They want to keep it beautiful and an asset for the local people and those who travel from further away to enjoy the activities including, swimming, sliding, walking, running or just sitting!
The group have regular productive meetings (that are open to all), see the ‘What’s On’ section of this website for future meeting dates or visit the FoSAP website.
There are different interest groups within the Friends to include, Appearance/Restoration, Anti-social behaviour, Bristol Park Forum, Graffiti, Social and Arts, Publicity, Recycling and Litter, Play area and Wildlife.
Some wonderful events take place in the park from regular bird watching walks to ‘Park Arts’ – a family day for the whole community with a wealth of visual and musical arts. To keep up to date with events and articles that relate to the park visit the ‘In the Community’ tab on this website or the FoSAP website.
The Gloucester Road WI was formed in North Bristol in 2011 and had grown to 120 members by 2014. They meet at 8pm on the third Tuesday of every month, that involves an activity or speaker, they try to keep the meetings varied ranging from making paper flowers, to wine-tasting to talks from members of the UN!
Each year they also run a number of fundraising activities, to raise money for their chosen charity of the year. They have regular clubs and groups that meet outside the monthly meetings such as a Book Club, a Knit & Stitch Club and a Dinner Club.
Membership runs annually from January. In 2015, membership costs £36 but the fee is pro-rata if you join later in the year. Women are welcome to come along as a visitor, attending up to 3 times a year for £4 per meeting before committing to membership. They meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 7.30pm for 8pm start at St. Andrew’s Bowling Club, Derby Road, Bristol, BS7 9AQ.
The Golden Hill Community Garden aims to increase the skills and confidence of local people in growing food through volunteering and training. It aims to provide a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and also promote healthy food and healthy activity. The project is inclusive and site accessible. They welcome everyone to come and get involved and especially welcome volunteers with physical and/or mental ill health or impairments, people with learning difficulties as well as children and young people.
They hope that everyone can join in with food growing, taking up learning opportunities, and experiencing the restorative enjoyment of being in an outdoor natural environment. The site uses organic methods and aims to encourage a diversity of wildlife.
The Golden Hill Community Garden recognises the value and importance of volunteering. They value diversity and the range wide of skills and perspectives a diverse group of volunteers can bring. They believe that the garden benefits from having a range of volunteers just as volunteering and gardening benefits individuals. They also aim to financially sustainable through social enterprise.
They also run a toddler group, kids’ playscheme, community events, rent out raised beds and Bale House to community groups and much more!
The Community Garden is open every Wednesday 10am to 4pm. If you have any questions or would like to be put on their mailing list to receive cheery updates from the garden then please get in touch by phone or e-mail.
This community-supported orchard project was started by members of Avon Organic Group in 1998 on the Horfield (H&DAA) allotment site between Bishop Road and Longmead Avenue. The orchard is home to about 100 fruiting trees, including local, unusual, and historic varieties of plum, apple and pear. It also has cherries, apricots, medlar, quince, grape vines, nuts, and soft fruit.The Orchard is a little piece of countryside set amongst the houses of Bishopston and Horfield.
It is open to the public on Apple Day in October (usually the third Sunday). Local people are invited to wander, find out more about the varieties grown, as well as sample the wide range of apples. All ages are encouraged to have a go at apple pressing, and to taste the delicious juice produced. In January the orchard is wassailed – trees are decorated, and toasted, to wish them good health for the year ahead and encourage a rich harvest.Working members manage all aspects of the orchard – everything from planning and planting, to pruning, composting, and harvesting.
Working meetings take place on the second-last Saturday of the month - no matter what the weather - and at other times by arrangement. Supporting members are invited to special celebrations, and to take part in training days. The group is also exploring new ways to include families with young children. Working Membership is open to anyone willing to share the work and the harvests. No previous fruit growing experience is needed. HOCO also welcomes supporting members/friends. To find out more about this lively and hands-on local food project please get in touch.
Like making Airfix kits? The Avon branch of the International Plastic Modellers Society meets every third Wednesday of the month at the BAWA club on Southmead Road at 8.00pm. This friendly group of modellers make kits on all sorts of subjects, and are very keen to have new members join them. For further information call Andy White
Pigsty Morris are a mixed gender dance side based in Bristol. They perform traditional and contemporary Cotswold Morris dances from a number of different village traditions. The side practices weekly on a Friday evening throughout the winter months, and dances out from spring through the summer and into the autumn. They take place in events such as, dancing at local pubs, fairs, schools, the Bristol Harbour Festival, and travelling further afield to Wimborne Festival.
Their name comes from an area of the Gloucester Road in Bishopston known as Pigsty Hill, but they have members from a wide area around Bristol.
They are an enthusiastic and energetic group with a wide age range from 16 upwards. Pigsty Morris believe dancing is a great way to keep fit and active. They welcome new members. They meet be on Friday evenings from 8 to 10pm at the Kelvin Players hall on Wesley Road, just off Gloucester Rd in Bishopston BS7 8NY.
For further information see their website or call John on 0117 9424957.
Scottish Country Dancing with Westbury Scottish Club. A great way to have fun and meet new people, keep fit and get those brain cells moving at the same time. Classes Every Tuesday – 7.30-9.30pm £3.50 members, £4.50 non members, per session. Beginners Class at St Leonard Hall, Henleaze URC, contact Maggie Kirkup. Intermediate Class at St Peter’s Church Hall, Henleaze, contact Cheryl Ayers 0117 9590970. Newcomers especially welcome.
Rediscover the joy of cycling. Silver Cyclists is a cycling project for people in Bristol who are over fifty five and would like to get back on their bikes, get fit and meet new people. As well as being a healthy, invigorating activity, our rides are sociable affairs that offer the chance to meet new people and make friends. Whether you haven't cycled for a while, are already cycling but would like to meet up and ride with others, or would like to gain confidence with cycling on roads - we can help. We offer:
- Friendly group rides led by an experienced cycle instructor
- Meet new people & explore quiet routes around Bristol
- Gain confidence & improve your cycling skills
- One-to-one cycle training with one of our experienced instructors
- We can loan you a bike & you can try out an electric bike.
Venue: Various meet points across Bristol – including St Werburghs, Lockleaze, Horfield, Easton& Temple Quay
Date & time: Various – contact Life Cycle for Ride Programme
Cost: £2 voluntary donation
The Bartholomites were formed over forty years ago when a group of fun-loving (some say mad!) friends got together for a laugh and produced what turned out to be a great pantomime. It was such fun and so well appreciated by the community that it was repeated the next year, and the next, and the next...
In the beginning there were whole families (mum, dad and children) in the show, and indeed that is still the case, as generations have passed through our small but friendly changing room. There is one family who have had three generations in some of our shows and one family that had four generations represented in one show - not bad eh! However, we have noticed that dads are not as forthcoming as they were, and men in general are very shy and retiring when it comes to displaying their talents. Where are you all? The best shows need a balance of male and female members, and those men who do venture along do enjoy themselves and see life from a different angle.
The feedback from families who have become involved in the pantomimes is that it is a great opportunity for all ages in the community to come and work together. There aren't many groups that offer the chance for pre-school children to work alongside pensioners. We all learn a lot about life from the fun and friendship that comes from being a member of The Bartholomites. Yes, it is hard work and we do expect people to take the commitment seriously, but there are lots of laughs and the sense of achievement when the show is performed cannot be described easily.
Why not come and join us? You would be welcomed with open arms. You don't need to sing like Placido Domingo, or dance like Wayne Sleep, or act like Sir Laurence Olivier. You just need to be enthusiastic and willing to muck in with everyone and get along. What about it? Please call us on the contact details below to find out more.
All Rehearsals are at St Bartholomew's Church halls, Sommerville Road and the Pantomime takes place there each February. See the ‘What’s On’ section of this website for updates of events and performances.
We are an active residents' group founded in 2002. Because we want Bishopston to be a thriving, pleasant and healthy place to live, we focus on local planning, licensing and environmental issues - the street scene and Bishopston's green spaces. Last year we elected a representative to the new Neighbourhood Partnership, to make Bristol City Council more aware of our members' views. We also link to other organisations, like Sustainable Bishopston, The Civic Society, and Friends of St Andrews Park.
Why not join us? A year's subscription is only £5, or £7 for two adults living together. Our committee meetings - about ten a year - are lively and friendly. We also have two public meetings, one being our AGM. Twice a year we publish a members' newsletter. You can stay up to date with what the Society is doing and find out more about us by visiting our website or contacting us by e-mail.
The Bristol Spanish Circle has been in existence for nearly 40 years and has a regular programme of talks, mostly in Spanish, as well as musical events and social evenings throughout the year. We meet, normally on the last Friday of the month, from September to June at St Peter’s Church Hall, The Drive, Henleaze, BS9 4LD. Our events start at 7.30 for drinks and tapas, with the main talk or feature starting at 8.00. You are welcome to come and join us to practise your Spanish with native speakers before and after the talks.
Enjoy meeting a group of friendly people with an interest in Spanish and Latin American culture! Check our website ( to see the year’s programme of events and for information and membership rates. As well as joining for a year, you are also welcome to come along to an individual event as a visitor.
The World Ship Society was formed in 1947 and became a registered charity in 2011. It seeks to provide the promotion of understanding ships, shipping and related matters through records, publications and branch meetings. The Bristol branch was formed in the 1950s and from September to May we hold monthly indoor meetings for talks and picture presentations on a wide range of shipping subjects ranging from local history to world wide affairs. The meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at the Friends Meeting House, Champion Square, BS2 9DB (adjacent to Cabot Circus car park) commencing at 7.30 pm. Further information from Secretary on 0117 9513168.