Your community website for Bishopston, Ashley Down, Horfield and St Andrews

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Long Business Description

DAVAR is an independent, secular Jewish cultural charity (ie. not religious), which brings together all parts of the community: religious, non-religious and indeed a significant number of our regular attendees are not Jewish at all! We are completely voluntarily run but manage to organise about 14 events a year. These events range from films to food festivals; lectures and concerts (in the recent past frequently in partnership with St George's. We run films at The Orpheus Cinema, Northumbria Drive, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4HN, Orpheus Tel: 0117 962 1644, 24hr information & booking line:

08712 303200 Tickets: £4.95/£3.95conc. £3.30 (NUS). Films are open to all and start at 8pm (no ads or trailers).
